For reasons of safety we do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the telephone.
Order online using Systmonline (see below), or email Or you can bring your repeat slip into the surgery. Unfortunately we cannot address all prescription queries by telephone, they will be addressed when you come in to collect your prescription.
SystmOnline Login (
Please allow two complete working days before collection and make allowances for weekends and public holidays.
If your request is urgent please state this in your e-mail.
Please note: We are unable to routinely reply to emails.
Methods to order a repeat prescription
You can request Via SystmOnline. Please register if you wish to use this platform to request your repeat prescriptions. You will need to bring in Photo ID to register.
Watch the link below to find out how.
You can use the NHS App. Please sign up to the NHS App if you wish to use this platform.
Watch the link below to find out how.
Complete a Repeat Prescription request form at reception.
If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone, you can leave a request for your repeat prescription in the post-box by the front entrance by ticking the items you need on the right-hand section of your previous prescription form.
Post the tear off slip indicating the medication you require to the surgery, enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope. If posting, please remember to give at least one weeks' notice for a first-class stamp and longer if using second class.
Please book your medications review appointment at least 10 days before your medication runs out and allow at least 48 hours for prescriptions to be processed. To check if a prescription has been sent to your nominated pharmacy please check on SystemOne online / NHS App or contact your local pharmacy.
For prescription items you have not had before or on repeat prescription, please speak to a member of the Reception team.
Prescriptions will be ready for collection in two working days (longer by post) if you will be picking the prescription up from the surgery.
We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly. If the date for your next review with a doctor or nurse has passed you will be asked to make an appointment. Please do so in plenty of time before your prescription is due.
Request Received |
Script Ready By |
Monday | Wednesday |
Tuesday | Thursday |
Wednesday | Friday |
Thursday | Monday |
Friday | Tuesday |
For Example, A script received on Tuesday at 4pm will be ready for collection on Thursday after 4pm.
Please request repeat prescriptions well in advance of public holidays, etc.
For those that request their prescription be sent to a local pharmacy then the time will be dependent on that pharmacy. Please contact the relevant pharmacy for an indication of the timescale.
Useful information
Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service. Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug. Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered.